Rozie has always been a great recycler. She has also found a barn that she had all the wood removed from, and milled into her new kitchen cabinets. Most of us would have tossed the wood, or used it to make a really big bonfire. She talked to us about enjoying life in a small community, and how different it was than living in a fast paced Houston suburb. She also has a new love in her life in the form of a fuzzy jack russell terrier rescue pup. Being a cat person since I have known her, I really got a kick out of seeing her dote on "Molly wiggles be". I can almost see a children's story growing out of this relationship. Until her house is finished Rozie is having to enjoy the simple pleasures of country life. Things many of us forget about by living in the city. The amazing quiet, discovering how dark the night can get when there is no ambient light, and in contrast how bright the stars are. Rozie currently has no internet, no TV, and on a good day she says she can get fair reception with her cell phone.
Part 2 of this blog revolves around my grandsons of course. How fun it is to get to see them get enjoyment out of the simple things in life. Many of us have often made the decision that we are too busy to enjoy these simple pleasures. Logan is now playing tackle football. I have never seen a child so proud of a bruise. No I do not have any pictures of the bruises, for fear that CPS may swoop in at any second. Boy, they would be disappointed to hear that his
Ethan, on the ohter hand.... is learning lots of simple pleasures, like sneaking a drink out of Pop's coke when Mom and Dad are not looking, or eating Oreo's dipped in milk with Dad.

But the latest joy is to see him leading singing with every song leader on Sunday mornings, or dancing to his singing bunny who waits patiently in the corner of my living room waiting for E's return and his never tiring energy. We have learned to keep the batteries charged and in waiting.
These small pleasure in my life have reminded me of this verse. Phillipians 4:11 "11Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. "
I hope that we all can learn to be content. Whether it is dancing with the bunnies, explaining the finer points of a good tackle, or just learning to listen to the quiet.
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