Our oldest Grandson just recently returned from a fantastic adventure! He was so excited, and had to tell us all about it. He was invited to go to Hawaii with his other grandparents for a week. He called several times to check in and let his parents in on all the fun he was having. He was able to tour a volcano, see (and from what I hear get water blown on to by)whales, go snorkeling, swim with the sea turtles (his favorite by the way)and do all sorts of other adventurous side trips. What fun!! He had statements that really struck home with me. On the day that he got close to the whales, he called and told his mom all about it. I soon received the report. Dil #1 said she asked him if he was excited about seeing the whales so close?, and he replied yes (fairly calmly). She said "Well, you don't sound very excited are you ok?" Grandson replied, "Mom, I'm just so excited that I don't know what to do with my excitedness!" Later, when his trip was coming to an end and they were flying away from the Island in which they stayed, his Grammy noticed that he looked out the plane window, reached up, and closed the shade on the window. "What's wrong?" she asked, "Don't you want to see the Islands from the air as we leave?" He looked over at her and said, "It's just too sad".
While I heard all the stories and have seen some of the evidence of his trip (a great tan!!) his statements really made my mind take some quantum leaps.
The Psalmist states "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go unto the house of the Lord" Wouldn’t it be great if we were all so excited about Worship that we just "didn't know what to do with our excitedness?" and if upon leaving worship services, or even the fellowship of other Christians we felt as he did "It's just too sad"
I am hoping that we call all regain a little of our excitedness about being together and worshipping the Lord.
While I heard all the stories and have seen some of the evidence of his trip (a great tan!!) his statements really made my mind take some quantum leaps.
The Psalmist states "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go unto the house of the Lord" Wouldn’t it be great if we were all so excited about Worship that we just "didn't know what to do with our excitedness?" and if upon leaving worship services, or even the fellowship of other Christians we felt as he did "It's just too sad"
I am hoping that we call all regain a little of our excitedness about being together and worshipping the Lord.
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