This week has been very relaxing. My oldest grandson Logan and I left Saturday morning and headed north! We had a great trip up, made really good time, and had a few days to spend with Ma and Pa. Logan slowed down long enough to let me snap a picture of him and Ma. Mostly, he has spent his days trying to hunt down every squirel in PottawatomieCounty. Tomorrow we have to head back home.

On Wednesday, the rest of the family started showing up. I really enjoy seeing the clan, even if we were missing a few important ones. Hopefully we will all get to be together again soon. In the perfect world, we would all be living in the same town....make that the same part of the same town. We always have lots of laughing and lots of leg pulling when the "Abel" clan gets together.

These guys are pretty important to me. I don't tell them enough how much I love them, and don't get to see them as much as I would like. I felt like it was necessary to post this picture without their consent so that everyone could see how much younger I am than they are.....
I am sure they will understand...I am the baby of the family, and according to them I get everything I want....hmmmm.. don't remember that part. I was however the perfect child...that's why mom and dad stopped having kids after me.
I love you guys.
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